Observing Ocean Circulation

Observing ocean circulation

Observing ocean circulation

Physical Oceanography Department

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Our lab is focused on observing ocean circulation and understanding its underlying physics. Ultimately, we seek to quantify the role of ocean circulation in the climate system. Specific areas of interest include:

  • The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), an intricate system of currents that stabilizes the earth’s climate by redistributing heat, salt, oxygen, and carbon on a global scale.

  • High-latitude ocean dynamics and the linkages between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans.

More details about current research projects can be found below

Learn more about joining the Le Bras lab

Principal Investigator


Isabela Le Bras

Assistant Scientist
Physical Oceanography Department

Graduate Students


Hiroki Nagao

Ph.D. student
MIT-WHOI Joint Program
Physical Oceanography


Marta Faulkner

Ph.D. student
MIT-WHOI Joint Program
Physical Oceanography



Leo Middleton

WHOI Postdoc


Clara Barden

WHOI undergraduate SSF fellow
Summer 2024
with Mike Spall, WHOI

Megan Knight

WHOI undergraduate SSF fellow
Summer 2021

Nash Keyes

Undergraduate researcher
Summer 2021
with Mary-Louise Timmermans, Yale

Research Projects


Methods for Extending the horiZontal Coverage of the Amoc Latitudinally and retrospectively

Western Irminger Sea Ventilation

Investigating the processes that govern boundary current ventilation using year-round moored observations of oxygen in the western Irminger Sea.


Subpolar North Atlantic Processes - Dynamics and pRedictability of vAriability in Gyre and OverturNing. A UK-US collaboration to improve our understanding of a key ocean region.

Beaufort Gyre Observing System

The Beaufort Gyre is one of the Arctic Ocean’s main dynamical sea-ice and ocean circulation systems, its major freshwater reservoir, and a centerpiece for Arctic and global change.

AMOC connectivity

We are compiling a novel dataset at about 37N using satellite, float, and mooring observations to test the connectivity of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC).

Oxygen cycling in the Irminger Sea

Probing the physical and biological controls on the Irminger Seas’s oxygen cycle using moored Oceans Observatories Initiative (OOI) and Bio-Argo data.
